Leading and working in Uncertain Times

The year 2020 has seen a remarkable constellation of unprecedented events occurring together - the global pandemic, economic uncertainty, sociopolitical mayhem and mistrust around the world, as well as natural disasters, rising social inequalities and the realization that old assumptions about work and life will have to be urgently re-examined.

As we stumble through these uncertainties, applied psychology has a few ideas and research-based solutions to offer:

  • Leadership is less about a facade of bravado, and more about empathy and deliberate, scientific and mature thinking

  • Inclusion and inclusive leadership is no longer a ‘nice to have’ - it is the factor that could make or break organizations’ chances of coming out stronger

  • Resilience, mental health and anti-fragility (i.e. improving through stress) are no longer just buzzwords, but the need of the hour

  • Bias and mistrust are likelier to emerge under stress - and that is why creating climates of psychological safety and trust, and building agility and accountability in work design are more critical for individual and organizational success

Are you an organization looking for guidance on the way ahead for your leaders and your workforce? Get in touch!